

I think it't important thing to work at the place where I like.
I like England, so I want to work in there.

In England, it's often said that people aren't deligent.
Of course, not everyone is so.
They work without any inhibition.

On the other hand, it's often said that Japanese people are deligent.
Many people get the job done.

I dont't like to be chained to my work, so I think the thinking of England is fit me.

6 件のコメント:

  1. You are right, we are not born just to work, but as for me, working, now studying, is my biggest personality and reason of my life.
    It is a really difficult problem...

  2. hi mameshiba :0]
    why do you like there?
    food? people? weather?
    i like ALE in England so much!!

  3. hi maneshiba!
    i like England,too. When i went to England, I thought same things as you. They seemed to work very delightfully!

  4. Hi,
    Your opinion, it's important thing to work at the place where I like the best, is really impressive for me. I agree with you. even if the business culture is suit us, we could not go well without liking this country. so, what do you like in England? I have never been to England. Please tell me if you have a favorite thing there?

  5. Hi Mameshiba!
    I wanna wark in England, too.
    There are various races in there,and people in England understand each other.I think it is a wonderful environment to wark.

  6. Hi!
    I want to go to England!!
    I agree with you, I don't like to be chained the my work!!
