

1.Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience.
Yes, I have.
I usually ate in a store of fast food in England.
For example, "Burger King", "KFC" and so on.
But, in London, I ate a Japanese curry and sushi with my friends. It was Japanese food restaurant! No one made mistakes particularly. Of course, that is the reason why we are Japanese:)

2. Did you learn anything?
In a store of fast food in England, I was surprised!! Basically, people must clear the table after they have finished a meal in Japan. But, some people keep putting a tray on a table in a big store of fast food in England.

16 件のコメント:

  1. Hi, mameshiba. Do they leave trays on table in England? Because I saw it when I went to China, and I was very surprised! I would like to refer your story if I have a chance to visit England :)

    I was surprised about the fast food shops in England!!
    I proud of that Japanese custom!!!
    I think it's very important.

    I saw it, in England! I was suprised.
    I think clerk have more work.
    Japanese people do good thing!

  4. I don't know clearing tables at the fastfood shops is Japanese custom. I often think foreingn people do the same thing as Japanese. I have to stop thinking like that.

  5. hello!
    I also saw the same suitation in England!lol
    I couldn't believe it!!!

  6. Hi! I've never heard "Burger King" and "KFC". Are they more popular forst food store than Macdonald? I want to try it!

  7. Hello!!
    I was surprised so England people not clean used table...
    In Japan impossible happening. Because next person use that table:(

  8. hello!!
    i also surprised about that in England, and i saw the situations in many places! if the customers don't clean the table, the staff clean the table soon in Japan, but in England nobady did it!!

  9. Hello:)

    Thank you for your comments!!


    Yes, I did.
    I think so, too:)


    I was surprised, too.
    Yes, I think so.
    We should be value our custom^^


    Oh, you too!!
    We should think about clerk's work:(


    Oh really?
    It is good for you to learn about Japanese custom^^


    You, too!!
    I couldn't believe it the first;(

    >>Kamen Rider Mo-ri-

    I had gone to "Burger King" and "KFC" in England.
    Burger King is not so popular in Japan, but "KFC" is popular!!
    Do you know "ケンタッキーフライドチキン"?
    Please try it someday:)


    Yes, me too.
    We should think about next person...


    Did you see it, too?
    I think people should clean a table,too:(

  10. Hi
    I have never eaten Burger King.
    Is it very popular in England?
    I ate KFC in America,too.

  11. Hi!
    I think so too!
    I saw this situations in America.
    For Japanese, we can not understand.

  12. Hi,
    I agree with you.
    I also saw that situation in many times in England. I was surprised. And I saw this cases in Thailand, too. I think Japanese people is so clean.

  13. hello mameshiba!
    I ever eaten "Burger King" and "KFC" in U.S.A.
    The table after a meal was stained in U.S.A too.

  14. There were Japanese restaurant(sushi) in London??
    Oh, I want to go there...
    I also go to London and eat Ra-men.

  15. Hi!!
    I want to go to England.

  16. HI^^
    I think Japanese are tidy person^^
