

1. How do you greet members of your family? (mother, father, older brother, younger brother, grandparents, etc.)
I usually greet my family surly because I don't like morning. If I greet friend, I try to say hello with a smile. In case of family, We can let down our guard with each other, so I can be my natural self.

2. How do you greet people that are important in society?
I try to greet people that are important in society carefully. For example, I make a bow and use polite language. I think that it is a rule of Japan.

3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?
Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don't. When I meet close friends, I greet them typically. On the other hand, when I meet someone new, I say hello with awkward manner. The reason that I do is I'm shy.

4. Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?
No, I don't. It is difficult for me to hug because I'm shy. I think that hug is good way to be in communication with each other, but some people may not like to hug. If I hug them, it is rude. I think it is good to hug people become more close relation.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Very good answers. Since being in Japan, I usually do not touch people as often as I did when living in the USA.

  2. Hi,
    Yeah, Japanese feel defferently from people in the other countries.
    I think this is why we need to upset when we go to foreign country.
    To know Japanese style helps to know the other styles, isn't it?
